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  • Writer's pictureKirk Jenkins

Andy Johnson Comes to Louisville (and the Baseball Clubs March)

From the Louisville Daily Courier, September 12, 1866


His Arrival and Reception

The Welcome of the Falls City to her Distinguished Guests

Over Twenty-Five Thousand People Present at the Ovation.

Reception Speeches by Hon. James Guthrie

Replies of the President and Speeches of Sec’y Seward and Others.

Grand Banquet at the Louisville Hotel.

Scenes and Incidents of the Occasion


Yesterday was a proud day for our city – a day never to be forgotten. The chief magistrate of the republic, the hope of the people, President Johnson, visited us, and was accorded a reception well fitted to so distinguished a patriot. Ever ready to accord a hearty welcome to all distinguished men of the nation, our noble city fairly outdid itself yesterday in the right royal welcome extended to him and his suit. It was a welcome that may be graven in bright characters upon our record; and, while it proved the public spiritedness of our citizens, it shows the country that Louisville – good old Democratic Louisville – can give honor to whom honor is due, and receive the executive and the national heroes with that warm-hearted hospitality which is characteristic of our State. He has received an ovation of which he may well feel proud, and carry back with him, among his most pleasant recollections, the brilliant testimonial which the proud city of the falls accorded in this his first official visit to it. We venture to say that nowhere on his tour has so elegant, orderly and enthusiastic an assemblage greeted his appearance. His excellency felt and knew that he was among devoted friends and firm supporters, and expressed himself accordingly.


The various societies, unions, base-ball clubs, fire department, &c., having been formed on Water street, ready to fall in and form the procession, prepared to move as soon as ordered, were thrown into marching order as soon as the carriages began to come off the boats. The procession then moved forward in the following order:

Music (Band 2d U.S. Infantry)

Military Escort (2d U.S. Infantry)

In column of company


And carriages containing his suit.

Governor Bramlette and Staff.

Mayor and General Council

Committees and Delegates.

Italian Consul and Suit.

United Sons of Erin in Regalia.

Father Matthew’s Temperance Society



Italian Benevolent Society

Bearing the Italian colors, banner, &c.


Moulders’ Union and other trade societies in regalia, with banners, &c.


Various societies and carriages,


Young Men’s Debating Society

Louisville, Olympic, and other base ball clubs,

In wagons beautifully decorated.

German Benevolent Societies.

Society La Francaise,

With a beautiful banner.

Citizens on foot.

Steam Fire Department,

Composed of the six fire engines and the hook

And ladder company, beautifully decorated

With garlands of flowers


Citizens on horseback from various points.

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