From the Louisville Courier-Journal, December 9, 1896
Pushing His Claims for the Position of Pension Agent.
Among the visitors to the city yesterday, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, was Col. Noah Cartwright, of Fern Creek neighborhood, Jefferson county. The Colonel was all over town securing indorsements for the position of Pension Agent at Louisville. Col. Cartwright has always been a leading Republican out in the county, and no man is better and more favorably known in Kentucky Grand Army circles than he. At the outbreak of the civil war he raised a company of which he was elected Captain, and this was made part of the Fifteenth Kentucky Infantry. He served the first year as Captain and was then made Major, but after several months’ service in that capacity, was raised to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of the command that gained a record as fighters of the first water. Col. Cartwright is of old-fashioned Virginia-Kentucky stock, but was born in Ohio sixty-four years ago. His great-grandfather was a soldier and was with Braddock in 1755; while his grandfather served in the Revolutionary war under Gen. Washington. His father was one of Kentucky’s most noted old-time Methodist ministers; while the Colonel is an A. M. and some years ago had charge of the Masonic College at Columbus, Ky. He is a man of fine scholarly attainments, and withal is to-day one of the most successful horticulturists in the Ohio valley.
Col. Cartwright’s home and fruit farm near Fern Creek is one of the prettiest and most valuable places between Louisville and Bardstown.
Image courtesy of Pixabay at Bruce Emmerling (no changes).