From the Louisville Daily Courier, July 30, 1860
On the 21st day of June, the Governor having previously ordered an election to be held to fill the vacancy in the Clerkship of the Court of Appeals occasioned by the death of Rankin R. Revill, the regular Democratic Executive Committee of the State of Kentucky called a Convention of the Democrats of the State, to meet at Frankfort on the 18th of July, to nominate a candidate for that place.
On the 23rd of June, two days after the Convention was thus called – two days after the call of the Committee had been published – the nominations for President and Vice President were made at Baltimore.
These dates are important.
The Committee by which this Convention was called – the State Central Committee – was appointed by the Convention that assembled in Frankfort on the 9th of January last, of which John H. Harney, J. C. Mason, Capt. E. A. Graves, J. Young Brown, Alex. Lusk, Dr. D. P. White, H. M. Cofer, George T. Wood, Robt. Richardson, Ben. Spalding, L. S. Trimble, W. B. Read, Marion C. Taylor, J. M. Sharp – all the leading Douglasites in the State – were members – and not one of whom voted against the resolution making the appointment.
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