Theatre- This evening Mr. and Mrs. Wallack make their last appearance and take a farewell benefit. The play selected for the occasion is Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale and is one of the superb creations of the author’s genius. It has for its governing theme the passion of jealousy which Shakespeare has depicted in three different phases, as exemplified in Othello, Cymbeline, and the Winter’s Tale. In the latter it is baseless but violent, and Mrs. Wallack’s presentation of Leontes is a great dramatic triumph. Mrs. Wallack as the good but wronged Hermione has no superior in our country, and in the statute scene of the last act looks like a work of art fresh from the hands of sculptor. We sincerely trust that these artists, who are established favorites in our city, may have a crowded audience in this evening, and that it will not be long before we shall have the pleasure of seeing them again.
Image courtesy of Pixabay by TeeFarm (no changes).