From the Hickman Courier, Hickman, Kentucky, June 16, 1882
The entertainment given by Prof. B. C. Caldwell’s School, Wednesday evening, the 14th, was decidedly the most creditable affair of the kind we ever had the pleasure of witnessing. The chief feature of the entertainment was the presentation of Shakespeare’s fairy comedy, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” with music from Mendelssohn’s fantasia of the same name. We can imagine of nothing more difficult of proper presentation than this selection, and yet Caldwell’s pupils did present it in a highly creditable and entertaining manner. The interact music was pronounced superb by some of our best judges; and the sons for the interludes, “Stars of Midsummer Night,” “She Sleeps While the Night Winds Sing,” &c., were all well selected and well rendered. It would require more space than we can spare to print the cast of characters, or to individualize the merit of the pupils, or of the musical performers. Professor Caldwell, in management and training of his pupils for so difficult a work, certainly deserves the highest commendation.
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