Louisville Courier-Journal, September 12, 1861
We are authorized to raise a Company of Infantry, to be mustered into the service of the United States for three years or the war, to compose a part of the regiment now being raised by Cols. Pope and Jouett and Major Campbell. Those willing to rally to the defence of their State can unite with us by calling at TURNER'S HALL, on Jefferson, between Preston and Jackson streets. Pay from $8 to $13 per month, and $100 bounty at the end of the war. Kentuckians, your State has been wantonly invaded by those who tauntingly proclaim that they must possess your territory though at the price of blood and treasure! Rise, worthy of your old days, and drive the insolent invader from your soil! Let not their vile breath pollute the atmosphere of our venerable Commonwealth! Rally for your fields and firesides! Rally for the liberties bequeathed to you by a patriotic ancestor!
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