From the Paducah Sun, December 30, 1910
Negroes Plan League
Will Incorporate in Illinois – Southern Cities
Chicago, Dec. 30 – Under the tentative plans of the negro national baseball league, which was formed here, it will incorporate in Illinois with $2,500 capital, each club paying $300 for its franchise. Other resolutions that went through were to have at least half of the umpires colored men and pay them $5 a game; to establish a blacklist of players who may jump; a reserve list to be agreed upon by the clubs at the next meeting, and to limit the league to one franchise in each city.
Besides the eight cities represented at the meeting, the executive committee expects to receive applications from a number of others for admission into the league.
The cities which had representatives present were Chicago, Louisville, New Orleans, Mobile, St. Louis, Kansas City, Mo., Kansas City, Kas., and Columbus.
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