William O’Shaughnessy was a thirty-year-old shoemaker, born in Ireland. O’Shaughnessy was 5’8 ½”, with a light complexion, gray eyes and dark hair. On July 2, 1862, Colonel Pope sought authority to detach three men to transport O’Shaughnessy to the asylum in Lexington, as he “has become a lunatic, and in the last few days has become unmanageable.” O’Shaughnessy was captured on July 9, 1864, at Chattahoochie River but returned to the regiment on September 13, 1864. Although I haven't positively confirmed the connection, he appears to have died on October 11, 1879 at the Soldiers' Home in Dayton, Ohio.
Image courtesy of Pixabay by darksouls1 (no changes).