The National Game.
Philadelphia, Oct. 27 – A base ball match was played this afternoon between the Union club of Morrisiana and the Athletic club of this city, which resulted, after eight innings, in favor of the Union club. Score of the Union, 42; Athletic, 22.
Richmond, Va., Oct. 27 – A game of base ball was played this evening between the National club of Washington, and Pastime club, of this city, resulting in the defeat of the latter. Eight innings were played. The following is the score: National 18, Pastime 10.
Billiard Match.
Boston, Oct. 27 – A game of billiards of 1,500 points, carom, was played last night between Wm. Goldthwaite and E. Daniels, the latter having 500 points given him. Goldthwaite was the winner.
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